The Popular Family
Car Card Game

Coco car cards Game is a fun packed card game for the whole family

It’s an ideal emergency cure for those deadly dull car journeys (“Are we nearly there yet?”). Each child is dealt 4 cards: the caller calls out passing number plates and features. The kids match them to the cards in their hands – claiming the card, storing it, and receiving a new card . At the of the journey the points on each child’s cards are totaled up and the child with the highest score wins. Hoorah! Recommended for ages 4+


How the idea came about?

Many moons ago my dad invented an exciting game for my brothers and me to fill the endless hours in the car. Like most brilliant ideas it was very simple and easy to understand – each child matching cards in their hands to passing vehicles and features. Many years later we’ve reproduced this engaging game and its ready to be played right now. 

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