How to play?

This card game is designed to be played on car journeys.

One person is the “caller”, who holds the pack of cards, and the others are players.

The aim of the game is for the players to accumulate as many points as possible on collected cards. Cards are collected by matching the vehicles and roadside features seen by the “caller” and players with the vehicles on each card.

The points of each card are represented by the colour of the border of each card:

black border = 1 point

silver border = 2 points.

gold border = 3 points

To start the game the deck is shuffled, and each player is dealt 4 cards.

As the journey progresses the “caller” calls out the number plate and colour of any eligible vehicles, as well as relevant roadside features as they are passed.

On a single carriageway this will be vehicles coming in the opposite direction, being overtaken or overtaking the players vehicle.

On a dual carriageway or motorway, the caller only looks at vehicles going in the same direction as them (including overtaking vehicles, or vehicles being overtaken).

Road-side features such as petrol stations and road-works count whether on the same, or opposite side of the road.

If a player has a matching card to the vehicle or feature passed, they can claim this card and tuck it under their leg. They then request a new card from the caller.

If the card displays a vehicle with a number plate and colour (cars, vans, lorries), both number and colour must match for the player to claim the card.

With a card displaying a number, only one number from a number plate needs to match the number on the card.

The player can claim a vehicle or feature that the caller may have missed, and the caller can either allow or disallow this claim.

The following vehicles require only that they are passed, and do not require colour or number: caravans, campervans, motorbikes, emergency vehicles, lorries, tankers and cars with roof racks.

Buses need the correct number from the number plate but can be any colour.

The emergency vehicles count if they passed or pass the player’s vehicle on either side of the road, on any type of road.

Road works count where 3 or more traffic cones are passed on road-works on either side of any type of road.

Even after the caller has given out all of the cards, the game continues until all the players exhaust all of the cards.

Then the points accumulated by the players on the cards stored under their legs are totalled up  and the winner is the one with the highest number of points.

If the destination is reached before all of the cards are exhausted, the players return the cards in their hands to the caller and count the points on the cards they have stored under their legs.

In the case of disputes, the caller is the ultimate judge and has the final say on all claims.

A simplified version of the game can also be played where the points are not counted and the winner is simply the player who has accumulated the greatest number of cards under their leg during the game.

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